I did something that I never thought I would do. After years of dealing with the anger and hatred that I held for my biological mother and after all the lies I dealt with from her, I finally forgave her. I have many reasons for my decision and the main one is my niece. I want to be able to have a relationship with her. There have been so many lies and so many changes within this side of my family over the last couple of years that I was not sure that I really wanted to deal with it. But after lots of prayers and lots of thoughts I decided it was time. I sat down and wrote her two letters explaining where I was coming from and what was going in my life, and what I wanted from her and expected of her. She called me yesterday and we talked for over an hour. It was a great conversation, yes I have to keep in mind that she does lie about stuff and take a lot of what she says with a grain of salt. But as long as I do that things will be ok. It was great to talk to my niece and make sure that she is doing ok. Knowing that we are close to them and I can go see my niece and spend time with her is a great feeling. I am still kind of mixed on the relationship with my mom. I am not sure how close I want to get and how far I want to take that relationship. I guess we will just have to wait and see how it goes over time.
As far as things down here in this beautiful state of Texas things are good. We are close to one of the fires, but so far it has not put us in danger. We are keeping track of it as much as possible and making sure we are ready to go if it does get to close.

Harley went into the vet on Tuesday and got her shots and spayed. She was mad at me all day Wednesday and would not come near me until Thursday. She was sleepy and moody but as of yesterday she is back to her normal self being a pain in the but lol. We love her anyways :).
Confederate is now here in Texas with us full time. He seems to be happy he is here and is doing great. He has slimmed down since the last time that he was here and is in great health. We are glad to have him with us and to be able to have our whole family together again for the most part.
Sasha turns 13 this month. She is doing well, her hips give her problems some times but she still plays with Confederate and gets excited when we come home. She is shedding like no tomorrow but that's ok. We will get through it.
Kelsey sue is doing great! She is finishing up some school stuff and is getting excited for college. She has recently been in contact with an aunt and uncle that she has not talked to in a very long time. She is very excited about it and is looking forward to what life is going to bring her. She is not longer dating Jason, but is happy being single and is enjoying life. Her 19th birthday is right around the corner and she is very excited for it. We have not decided what we are going to do for it, but it will be remember able like always. We love her very much and are so proud of her and the things that she is accomplishing in her life. She is working part time and loves her job.

Chris is doing well. He has been working here in Texas for the last two weeks, Unfortunately he was not working close to home so he was not able to be at home, but from the sounds of it he will be here more then he will be in North Dakota. He will still have to go back and forth but hopefully he will be down here more. Things are changing around the company again so it will be interesting to see what comes of it all further down the road.
I am doing well. Health seems to be doing well, minus the migraine headaches and my left knee going crazy. See the doctor on Monday for that.
We have met some amazing people down here and I am so happy to be able to call them friends. They have really helped out in a pinch and are wonderful people. Sadly some of our great friends are going to be leaving to go back home to Utah in Jan, We will miss the Moyes family very much but at least we can stay in contact with them :). Brittany and Tiffany have been great friends and a load of help for us down here. They are both very loving people and I am so thankful they are in my life as well as kelseys.
I hope that this finds everybody doing well! Love you all.