Blogger Layouts

Monday, April 25, 2011


Its been two weeks since my first shot and things have been different. Some days I feel fine and everything is great. Other days I am sick to my stomach and feel terrible. In the last  week the migraine headaches of hit. Not a good feeling for me. I hate hate hate them. The current one has now been with me two days and I am hoping that it goes away soon.

  I am trying to stay away from stress but right now that is not coming easily. There have been a few changes in the way that things were suppose to happen so now I have no idea when Chris is going to be down here with us permanently. Which totally sucks. Then on top of that we were told that we had to get the dogs out of the trailer in North Dakota because the person who can not be named decided that he did not want them tearing it up. ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!!! My dogs are 6 and 13 years old, they dont tear stuff up and on top of everything they have been in the trailer for the last 5 months and havent done any damage. AAAHHHHHH!!!!! So I talked to the lady that is hear in the Apts and we arent allowed to have Confederate here because he is double the weight limit. So in order to keep both my dogs we would have to break the lease that we are in and find a house. To do this we would have to pay $3000 to the apartments just to break the lease and then another $3000 for first, last , deposit and pet deposit on a house, and that dosnt include the $1500 for the moving company to come in and move our stuff, Because I sure cant do it and Chris cant do it on his own. So I say if they want the dogs out of there then the company needs to come up with the money for us to move. That isnt going to happen though, so I am looking for a job or two depending on what I can find, so that we can get this little issue taken care of. Which is not what we had planned because of the treatments. But what can you do, life gives you lemons and you have to figure out a way to make lemonade.

I just want to feel better and for the stress to go away. I dont need it right now and it seems like I get the worse case of it when I feel the worst. Ugggghhh! 

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