So I remember what high school was like. Not a good four years for me. What I don't remember is bragging to my best friends/ sisters about who I slept with. Especially if my best friends were related to that person in some way. I don't remember my adopted brothers bragging to me about with one of my friends they slept with. Back then alot of people were having sex and I know today its alot worse but really let's not kiss and tell. Its nobody else's business who you are sleeping with. When or how you are doing it. If you are going to be stupid about it you better hope that the female involved doesn't get pregnant. That would really be bad. So all I can say is grow up, have some respect for the person you are dating, your sister of all people, and keep this crap private.
On another soap box here... I remember there being an unwritten code that all of us girls had. You don't date your friends exboyfriends and you sure as he'll don't date there brothers or sisters. What happened to that respect for your friends. Does friendship not mean as much these days? I know that every now and then this code would get broken and relationships would come up with an ex or even a sibling and 9 times out of 10 the "friends" involved would end up losing the relationship that they had because it. Is it really worth losing the closeness of your best friend over. Are you willing to throw that friendship away because you need and want to get laid and fell like you are "loved"? If it is I feel really sad for that person. I mean really if you feel that low then there is something else going on that you need to look at and fix before you can truly love any body. If you don't love yourself you can not truly love anybody else.
Ok im off my soap box's. Thank you to all my girlfriends for being apart of my life. The few of you that have stood by me through everything are a true blessing from God. The new ones that have come along are also a blessing from God. I love ya ladies and thank you for your friendship!
Saturday, August 20, 2011
General thoughts
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Heart Brake and healing
Have spent many years looking back on my life thinking what if.... being able to have one of things in my past come up and having to relive everything and having all those feelings and emotions to go through again.... I thought it would be hard but after tears shed and hearts broken I feel so much better. Being able to let it go and close that chapter in my life has helped. When one door closes another one opens up. Leaves room for new beginnings and relationships to be built on a strong lasting foundation. Learned a lot about myself and how I react to situations. Where my feelings really lay and how immature and naive I have been in the past. Time to make more changes and continue to clear my life out of the unwanted pain and drama. Those of you that continue to stand by me through the ups and downs of my life I love you all and thank you for your support.
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
I love being able to sit down and spend time with my fantastic daughter. She is such an amazing person and reminds me everyday how special she is and what a blessing god has given me to have her in my life. She brings a smile to my face and warms my heart. I love her so much and am so thankful for her! I love you Kelsey!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Trying something new
One of the main things that I am going to work on is being positive about the things in my life. Getting rid of the drama, lies and bs that I have allowed in my life for far to long. I have also decided to try and talk to my mom. Not something I have done in a really long time. I know that a lot of people do not think that this is a good idea because of the way that she has treated me in the past as well as the way she runs her life. This is my decision and its something that I feel I need to do. I will keep y'all posted on how it turns out. It may be a waste of my time, but at least I can say I have tried and its on less burden on my shoulders. Finally being able to forgive her for everything that she has done to me has been an amazing feeling. Now we will see where that forgiveness takes me.
Any new journey in life starts with that first step forward :)
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
I love you kelsey sue aka squirrel bait :)