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Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Trying something new

I have decided to try new things in my life. Where they will take me one never knows. I am just going to hold on for the ride and hope that there are good things at the end of it. I have started working on one of the things that I figured I would try out, with the help of Kelsey it is going well. A lot harder then I ever imagined it to be, but it is going to be a lot of fun.
One of the main things that I am going to work on is being positive about the things in my life. Getting rid of the drama, lies and bs that I have allowed in my life for far to long. I have also decided to try and talk to my mom. Not something I have done in a really long time. I know that a lot of people do not think that this is a good idea because of the way that she has treated me in the past as well as the way she runs her life. This is my decision and its something that I feel I need to do. I will keep y'all posted on how it turns out. It may be a waste of my time, but at least I can say I have tried and its on less burden on my shoulders. Finally being able to forgive her for everything that she has done to me has been an amazing feeling. Now we will see where that forgiveness takes me.

Any new journey in life starts with that first step forward :)

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