Blogger Layouts

Thursday, March 10, 2011


OK so I have been doing a lot of thinking..... not much else to do at this time. I have been on a complete rollar coaster of emotions for the last week... First I am ok with everything because I know that at least there is something that they can do to make it better, then I hit this area where I am pissed and sick and tired of dealing with it, and then I am heart broken because we want kids of our own.....

Since I have been down and out I decided to check in on my friends and see what was going on with my friends. I was watching a blog that my friend posted and I have been keeping track of them as she has been posting them. But she said something that has totally stuck with me since I heard it. She made the comment that she loves her kids and that she dosnt care how they get here just as long as they are here. I know that it was said for a completley different reason then what I am going through but that one comment made me realize that no matter if we could have kids of our own it dosnt matter as long as we have kidos. I have to agree with that person that it dosnt matter how the kidos come as long as we have them to take care of and share our love with. You would think that with us having Kelsey and Atheena before her and a few other kidos that I have taken care of that I would have agreed with it long before now. I never truly thought about it in that way because there was always the thought that we would have a kido of our own. Now it makes complete sense. So thank you to that person for that one comment.

 I love all my friends and family and am extremly happy that I have each and everyone of you there through all of this. You guys are all truly amazing and are my rock when I feel like I am falling.

Love you all

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