Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Christmas 2011
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Feeling Better
Monday, October 10, 2011
I have had major learning experiences. This one is the hardest for me. To have to sit back and watched loved ones make decisions that will probably hurt them or make them unhappy in the end and not say anything. Anybody who knows me knows that I have a hard time keep my mouth shut. But this time I know I can't speak my mind. What I think and the hurt that it has caused me is nobodies issue but mine and if I voice it or say something about it its just going to cause more problems. I don't want to cause problems. Its tearing me up inside and im ready to scream and yell and pull my hair out. But we are all adults and that's not very adult like. I guess I will just keep it bottled up and not say anything.
Monday, September 26, 2011
The past
Friday, September 16, 2011
Hard tines
Dealing with all of the mixed emotions and doubts that nave come up lately has not been easy. Chris being gone all the time is driving me crazy. I hate being at home and not having him around. Hopefully the company will figure out a way to get him home more.
Dealing with the financial issues that we have is driving me crazy. I feel like we take 10 steps forward and a 100 steps backwards every couple of months. Im tired of it. We are making great strides in getting things paid off but I am so tired of not knowing month to month if we are going to have a roof over our heads or food on the table or electricity or whatever else. Im just done with it. I can't take it anymore. I just want to be ok and for the stress to go away for a while. Just to be able to breath for once would be nice. Hopefully one day I will be able to do that....
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Wow just Wow
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Amazing stuff
Saturday, August 20, 2011
General thoughts
So I remember what high school was like. Not a good four years for me. What I don't remember is bragging to my best friends/ sisters about who I slept with. Especially if my best friends were related to that person in some way. I don't remember my adopted brothers bragging to me about with one of my friends they slept with. Back then alot of people were having sex and I know today its alot worse but really let's not kiss and tell. Its nobody else's business who you are sleeping with. When or how you are doing it. If you are going to be stupid about it you better hope that the female involved doesn't get pregnant. That would really be bad. So all I can say is grow up, have some respect for the person you are dating, your sister of all people, and keep this crap private.
On another soap box here... I remember there being an unwritten code that all of us girls had. You don't date your friends exboyfriends and you sure as he'll don't date there brothers or sisters. What happened to that respect for your friends. Does friendship not mean as much these days? I know that every now and then this code would get broken and relationships would come up with an ex or even a sibling and 9 times out of 10 the "friends" involved would end up losing the relationship that they had because it. Is it really worth losing the closeness of your best friend over. Are you willing to throw that friendship away because you need and want to get laid and fell like you are "loved"? If it is I feel really sad for that person. I mean really if you feel that low then there is something else going on that you need to look at and fix before you can truly love any body. If you don't love yourself you can not truly love anybody else.
Ok im off my soap box's. Thank you to all my girlfriends for being apart of my life. The few of you that have stood by me through everything are a true blessing from God. The new ones that have come along are also a blessing from God. I love ya ladies and thank you for your friendship!
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Heart Brake and healing
Have spent many years looking back on my life thinking what if.... being able to have one of things in my past come up and having to relive everything and having all those feelings and emotions to go through again.... I thought it would be hard but after tears shed and hearts broken I feel so much better. Being able to let it go and close that chapter in my life has helped. When one door closes another one opens up. Leaves room for new beginnings and relationships to be built on a strong lasting foundation. Learned a lot about myself and how I react to situations. Where my feelings really lay and how immature and naive I have been in the past. Time to make more changes and continue to clear my life out of the unwanted pain and drama. Those of you that continue to stand by me through the ups and downs of my life I love you all and thank you for your support.
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
I love being able to sit down and spend time with my fantastic daughter. She is such an amazing person and reminds me everyday how special she is and what a blessing god has given me to have her in my life. She brings a smile to my face and warms my heart. I love her so much and am so thankful for her! I love you Kelsey!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Trying something new
One of the main things that I am going to work on is being positive about the things in my life. Getting rid of the drama, lies and bs that I have allowed in my life for far to long. I have also decided to try and talk to my mom. Not something I have done in a really long time. I know that a lot of people do not think that this is a good idea because of the way that she has treated me in the past as well as the way she runs her life. This is my decision and its something that I feel I need to do. I will keep y'all posted on how it turns out. It may be a waste of my time, but at least I can say I have tried and its on less burden on my shoulders. Finally being able to forgive her for everything that she has done to me has been an amazing feeling. Now we will see where that forgiveness takes me.
Any new journey in life starts with that first step forward :)
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
I love you kelsey sue aka squirrel bait :)
Friday, July 22, 2011
Friendship and family
On top of dealing with our family stuff I realized that a family that was really close to my heart has pushed away and no longer communicates. I have met some amazing people in my life and am glad to call each and everyone of them friends. I have not been the best person to represent friendship over the years. Life has gotten in the way and I have neglected the friends that mean the most to me. I apologize to those of you that I have neglected. I am pretty sure you know who you are. If you don't please feel free to ask and I will tell you :). Getting back to the family that has stopped communicating, it brakes my heart that people pull away because there is miss communication, if you have a problem please talk to me about it. If I said something that you don't like then come talk to me. I don't say the things that I do to hurt people or to upset them. I am who I am and I don't have a problem opening up and explaining why I said what I said or why I am feeling the way that I am feeling, but please don't close me out and push me away. We are adults and should be able to work through the problems. I love all of my friends and am thankful everyday that I have each and every one of you. You make my life exciting, bring drama at times(I love you Sarah :) ) and are always there when I need you. Each and every one of you bring something special to my life and I thank you all for it!!!
Hope everyone has a fantastic day!!!
Jake sitting in my lap at the house in Grand Junction. :)
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Teenagers... I just dont get it.
Now that I am off my soap box.... We had 6 cars get vandalized in our parking lot the other day, my truck and Kelsey's bf's truck being two out of the 6. So frustrating!!! It was 4 teenage boys who were bored and thought it would be funny to mess up the cars. Did they catch them NO!!! But not for lack of trying. I was really impressed with the Conroe Police Department as well as Montgomery County Sheriff Department. Unfortunately my insurance wont cover the damage done to my truck so I will have to pay for it myself. Not a big deal because I was very lucky in that they only sliced one of my tires, the other car that got hit they sliced all four tires, keyed the entire vehicle and smashed the tail lights. So all in all I would have to say Jason (Kelseys Boyfriend) and I got lucky.
Friday, July 8, 2011
Fresh Start
Now that my journey with the cancer has slowed down its time to start a new journey. I have started to feel really good this past week, from the inside out. I dont feel sick any more which is a dream come true. I have been sick it seems like non stop for the last two years. To get the news that it is gone and now the doctors want to monitor my body once a month has taken a lot of stress off of me. I know that the battle is not 100 percent won yet and wont be for years to come. But the life or death threat is no longer there.. To any one that is going through the battle of Cancer I recommend looking into the treatments that Canada has been using on its patients and see who in your state is offering it. It is the best thing that I have ever done. Some people thought I was crazy and that it would not work, but that was proven wrong. It saved my life.
As for what happens next I am starting my new journey. I have to lose 100 pounds in order for the doctors to be satisfied that my body can handle anything that comes up in the future. Whether it be getting pregnant (yes the doctors say it is possible as long as I stick closely with the plan and continue to see them)or whether the cancer decides to rear its head again. I have been asked why I did not have the doctors take everything out now that the cancer is gone. Here's my answer: All I have wanted for the last 6 years is for Chris and I to have a baby of our own. I have adopted one and am in the process of adopting a second baby. Both of these kidos are VERY precious to me and I would not trade that for anything!!!!!! I love them both with everything that I am. But the dream and the hurt is still there for me. We are not trying at this time because my body just cant handle it right now. But down the road we are going to look into it if everything goes right.So the first step is losing the weight. I am also embarking on the journey of finding a job and finishing school. I am very excited about getting done with my classes and being able to do what I love to do. Its a slow process but so far I am pulling a 3.5 GPA which is something that I have never done before. Even being sick and dealing with everything school has come first.
I have noticed a change in my attitude as well as my outlook on life. Its amazing how something like this can change a person. I do not want to find myself in the same boat again. Its time to jump out and swim with the dolphins. I am changing alot of my habits, thoughts and traditions. Its time to start living life to the fullest and living it for my family and myself. I have a wonderful family who has supported me through all of this. If it was not for them I would not be where I am today!!!! I love knowing that all I have to do is pick up the phone and there will be someone there to talk to, cry with, laugh with or even just sit there and be silent with. I forgot how important this is. I have fantastic friends who cried with me and were there to listen and support me when I needed it. So I am saying THANK YOU to all of you for everything that you have done and will continue to do in the future!!! I reconnected with family that I have missed dearly in my life through all of this, I am so blessed to have them back!!!
On a sadder note my grandmother is not doing so well. She has been in the hospital for a couple of days now and is having a tough time. I ask that you all keep her and the rest of my family in your prayers. It is tearing my dad, uncles and aunts up terribly right now. I have not heard my dad this upset since my grandfather passed away 15 years ago. Anybody who knows me knows that when my dad is tore up it tears me up.I hate being so far away from him and not being able to be there to comfort him and take care of him. I know that sounds weird, but I have always been and will always be a daddys girl. Nothing in this world will ever change that. We have had our problems but I love him more then words could ever tell. I always thought that I knew how to handle my life and that he did not know what he was talking about. I have realized over the years that I was the one who did not know what I was talking about. My dad has been there in his own way for me through everything. There were times that I did not agree with the way he went about it but he was still there and that is what matters to me. I love you dad! I wish that I could be there with you!
Thank you all for the thoughts, prayers and well wishes!!! You all are amazing and I love each and every one of you!!!
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Chris and I are celebrating our 5 year anniversary tomorrow!!! It has been a very long 5 years and it has not been the easiest. But looking back on everything that we have been through, it has made us very strong in our relationship. We have overcome so many issues and learned how to love each other more then I ever thought possible. Starting our 6th year together we are in the process of building our first home together, looking forward to the possibilities of being able to have kids together in the future, continuing to raise Kelsey and watching her to grow into a fantastic Young woman and looking forward to possibly having her little brother as a part of our family as well. We are looking forward to having Bri with us next summer and being able to be apart of her life and watching her go to college and follow her dreams. We have added to the family twice this year with Harley our cat who has a personality like no tomorrow. The saying Hell has no furry like a woman's scorn fits her to the T! But I love her to piece and am glad she is with us. The other addition to our family is Jason Kelsey's boyfriend. He is an amazing young man and treats Kelsey like she is the Queen of his world. He is very respectful when it comes to her and Us as a family. He is very family oriented and we love him to pieces! I could not be happier for Kelsey and Jason as they start building what I think will be a life long journey together. (they were told no marriage until after college!!! and they both agreed!!!)
Its crazy to think that my little brother just became a teenager this month and my dad had his 50th birthday. Wow am I getting old LOL!!! Things are going well for the rest of the family! My cousin just had her second baby girl!!! Congrats Shawntee and Levon!!!! She is beautiful. I find myself wishing that I was closer so I could be around the family more, but at the same time I love it here in Texas and am so glad we are here. The reasoning behind it was not the greatest, but hey we are all happy.
My treatments are going really well. They are thinking that this treatment and next months treatment may be the last ones that I need. I find out today what the verdict is on that. Very exciting!! I have other worries that need to be taken care of so surgery may still be coming but I don't know for sure yet. We will just have to wait and see.
Back to Chris and I celebrating our anniversary. We are headed to Galveston tomorrow to spend the day and night at a beach front hotel. Then saturday we will hang out at the beach and be joined by Kelsey and Jason for an afternoon of fun at the beach and dinner on the boardwalk. Very excited for this weekend!! Chris and I havent had time to ourselves in over a year and it is well needed. I have never been to the beach that I can remember (dad says I went when I was really little) so I am very excited about sharing the first moments with my best friend!! Tons of Photos will follow next week!!!!.
Chris you are my best friend, my lover, my husband, my life partner and most of all you are the half that makes me whole. I love you more then anything in this world and am so thankful that you are apart of my life. Here's to the last five years together and here's to many many more to come!!!!!
I love you baby!!!
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Change of heart
Now on to the medical side of things. The doctors have said that everything is going the way they want it. The cancer is getting smaller and has stopped growing 100 percent as of the last batch of tests that were run. This is GREAT news. This is what the doctor were going for when I started treatments. Now that we are doing two different types of treatment they are hoping that it will be completely gone and we will be able to stop the treatments by the end of August. That is two and a half months away. For me to think that I will be back on the road to being healthy and making myself better physically by the 1st of September is like a dream come true. For the last two years I feel like I have been nothing but sick, or going through surgery or something like that. I cant wait for the day that I can say I have been cancer free for this many days, weeks, months, years, I will post more information on my treatments and what they are and how they work later on. As for now there is talk that I will not have to go through surgery and that Chris and I may be able to have children of our own. Which any one who knows me, knows that is something that I have really wanted for a long time.
Thank you all for keeping track of me and listening to my down days as well as my good days. I love you all and I hope that you all have a FANTASTIC summer!!!!
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
For the last couple of days I have felt pretty bad. Been dealing with headaches and feeling just plain blah. I have not been sleeping well and just want to feel better and be on a level playing field. It just seems like here lately no matter what we do nothing wants to go right. I am trying to be positive about everything and keep my head up. Its hard to do when you think that something needs to happen right now and thats not how life works. So I am trying to learn how to just let things go and go with the flow. Not the easiest thing to do but i am trying.
Things on the home front are good. Chris was home for his 6 days and ended up working 4 out of 6 so that was a little tough. He is now back in North Dakota and is ready to be here for good and not up there. We are still working on getting things going for the house. We are very excited about it. The dogs are still split up which is killing all of us. My truck still isnt fixed but theres nothing that I can do about that, so there again trying to go with the flow. Kelsey and I are still looking for jobs. Its hard when you dont feel good but you have to do what you have to do to survive.
I cant wait for the day when all of this is behind us and I can get up each morning and not have the stress of how we are going to make it through the week with a roof over our heads and food in the kitchen. Hoping that day comes sooner rather then later.
Friday, June 3, 2011
Things that go wrong
I just want to know when it ends and things settle down. I know that he will bring us through anything that he brings us too but wow how much more does he think I can handle. I mean I think my plate is pretty full.
Sorry I had to vent a little. If I could just get my truck back to working and get this job then everything would be ok. If I dont have my truck then that makes the job out of the question as well as making it very difficult to get to my doctors appointments. Hoping that things work out soon and settle down. I cant do this anymore.
Thank you for listening.
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Because of the doc bills we are holding off on building our house, which is a bummer, but what can you do right. We might have to move out of our apartment and into a different one or who knows where at this point because we are having problems covering the cost of rent and utilities and food for two different houses right now. the amount of money thats going out is about 1500 more a month then whats coming in. we have gotten rid of everything that we can. we dont have cable or internet, the only that we do have is our cell phones and thats only because I have to have the internet for school and so does Kelsey. At this point Idk what else to do to get tings paid for so that we can survive and so that I can finish up my treatments.
Chris is still working in ND, we don't have a choice there because they haven't and probably wont transfer him down here. We are thinking he will probably have to find a new job this next year so that he can be closer to home instead of 26 hours away. But we will just have to wait and see.
I am still looking for a job. My interview went great, now its just waiting to get the call back from the company. Hoping that will be soon. I don't know what else to do. I have over 100 aplications out and continue to put more out everyday. So hopefully something will come through soon.
Kelsey is going to school and is also looking for jobs right now.
I hope this finds everyone well and Happy
Sunday, May 15, 2011
I am trying to find a job to cover the costs that Chris's paycheck does not cover. Which right now is $6000 for treatments and that is not including the monthly bills that we are trying to cover. Its crazy, you think that you are getting ahead and then you look at your bills and realize that you are actually behind. Ugh....
On a happier note things are on track with the doctors and the treatments. I should know the first part of June when surgery is going to be. I will keep everyone updated.
Love you all
Monday, April 25, 2011
I am trying to stay away from stress but right now that is not coming easily. There have been a few changes in the way that things were suppose to happen so now I have no idea when Chris is going to be down here with us permanently. Which totally sucks. Then on top of that we were told that we had to get the dogs out of the trailer in North Dakota because the person who can not be named decided that he did not want them tearing it up. ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!!! My dogs are 6 and 13 years old, they dont tear stuff up and on top of everything they have been in the trailer for the last 5 months and havent done any damage. AAAHHHHHH!!!!! So I talked to the lady that is hear in the Apts and we arent allowed to have Confederate here because he is double the weight limit. So in order to keep both my dogs we would have to break the lease that we are in and find a house. To do this we would have to pay $3000 to the apartments just to break the lease and then another $3000 for first, last , deposit and pet deposit on a house, and that dosnt include the $1500 for the moving company to come in and move our stuff, Because I sure cant do it and Chris cant do it on his own. So I say if they want the dogs out of there then the company needs to come up with the money for us to move. That isnt going to happen though, so I am looking for a job or two depending on what I can find, so that we can get this little issue taken care of. Which is not what we had planned because of the treatments. But what can you do, life gives you lemons and you have to figure out a way to make lemonade.
I just want to feel better and for the stress to go away. I dont need it right now and it seems like I get the worse case of it when I feel the worst. Ugggghhh!
Thursday, April 7, 2011
In Texas
As for my health things have been up and down. I have been fighting with headaches and pain, and not being able to sleep real well. I am hoping that once we are done moving that things will chill out a little bit and I will be able to relax and deal with what needs to be dealt with.
Thank you to everyone who has been praying for us! We had a great trip down to Texas with only a few little upsets. We love it down here so far and are looking forward to what happens next.
Love you all and I will write more later.
Sunday, March 27, 2011
4 days and counting
The down side to it all is we have the money to get down there but the loan that we applied for to pay our debt and allow us to survive down there with me not being able to work for the next 6 months was declined yesterday. So that is a little stressful. We know that one way or another we will make it through. We always do, but its still stressful. Right now I need as little stress as possible. We are hoping that something will come through in the next couple of weeks in that area. Prayers are very much appreciated during this time.
As for me I am doing ok. Have been sick to my stomach with fevers and headaches here lately but thats just part of the territory with this. Hopeing that it will stay at bay long enough for me to get down there and get started.
Chris and Kelsey are doing great, Kelsey has a new love in her life which I think is helping her focus on positive things and Chris knows that everything will be ok as soon as we get down there and I can see the doctors. He needs the most prayers through all of this I do believe. He has a lot ot carry on his shoulders and anybody who knows him knows that he dosnt like to talk alot about anything. Which can be a bad thing. You have to talk about it and get some of it off your chest other wise it eats you away. So I am sending lots of prayers that he will find someone that he feels he can talk to and starts talking.
I think that about covers everything for today. Nothing new is really going on other then the move and trying to get a loan.
Hope this finds everyone healthy, happy and enjoying life!!
I love you Alll!!!!
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Getting Things Together
On the plus side of things I have felt pretty good the last couple of days. Have been tired but other then that things are good. Just stressed out about the move and all that goes along with it. At least this is the last move for another year or so and then after that it will just be from an apartment into a house. That is something that I get to look forward to. Having a house again with the dogs outside playing and enough room for the family and friends to come visit when they have a chance.
Hoping that this summer my little brother can come out and spend some time with me and Kelsey and Chris if he is able to be there. Looking forward to the ocean and lots of warm sun. It is snowing here and the wind is terrible tonight. Really tired of the cold weather and the wind. It kind of reminds me of the way that things are going with my health right now. Kind of dark and depressing and then when we get to Texas the door opens and it is warm and sunny and my health can get better and start to improve. Really looking forward to it.
A lot of things will be changing for me. I have to lose at least 75 pounds so that they can go in and do the surgery. That was a little unexpected but they are afraid that with the amount of weight I have on my body it will not be able to heal the way that they want it to and that my immune system may shut down. So its onto healthier lifestyle for me. Its a hard thing to do but it can and will be done. Thats all there is to it. So I have two to three months before the surgery and will have to work hard and get it done.
Well thats all I have for tonight. Hope everyone has a great week!
Love you all!
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Moving Forward
Feeling kind of mixed about all of it. Its a great thing that we have been blessed and are able to go down there to get things taken care of. At the same time I am scared and nervous about having to go through all of this. Then there is the heartbreaking part of it, Chris will not be going down with us. I hate to be away from him and have to go through it with out him but there is not a whole lot that I can do right now. He will be there for the weeks that I go through treatment and then he will be there for the surgery but its the times in between that I am worried about. I know that I will be ok it just sucks being away from him. Never truly thought that I would have such a big problem being away from him. I have done this before and he wasnt able to be around so I figured that I would be ok but its really hard right now. Hoping that once things get started we will be ok.
Thank you to all!!!!!
I love you all!!
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Saw the doctor today... was told the same thing that I was told over the phone, the clinic here does not have the stuff that is needed to take care of my issues so I only have to choices left. Now its just to figure out how to get those choices taken care of and which one would be better for me.
Have been dealing with a lot of stuff the last couple of days. Love my parents to death but I truly hate it when they tell me over and over and over again that I HAVE to take care of something and that I DONT have a choice and it needs to be done RIGHT now. There are no quick and easy answers to this. There are no fast fixes and easy ways to deal with this. I have done everything that I can think of to make things come together and I am hitting a brick wall. I dont have anywhere else to turn, I cant ask for help from any one else which leaves me in a position where we just have to wait until we can do it on our owns. That being said it will probably be 6 to 7 months down the road before that can happen. Maybe longer.... Who knows.... But in the mean time I dont need people telling me that its not acceptable and that it needs to be taken care of right now. I understand better then most that this is seriouse and its not something to mess with. I totally understand that and get that and if I could change the way that things were I would, but as of right now I can not change the way things are going. So instead of telling me that I HAVE to do something right now and I DONT have a choice lets think about it and remember that I am only one person and with my Husband we are only two people and there is only so much that we can do.
I try to help people understand why things cant be done right this minute and while talking to a friend of mine last night I was reminded of something that I knew about but I am not sure how many other people know about it, so I figured I would share it with everyone so that maybe this would be a little easier to understand. The reason the doctors cant just jump right in and take everything out and call it good, is because as soon as you give cancer oxygen it grows very rapidly. So if they go in and cut me open and expose all of it to oxygen then I take the chances of it spreading to other organs in my body. UMMM hello can we say no thank you :). I would rather figure out how to get the treatments done and get it killed off or at least stop the spreading first and then have them cut it out with as little chance of it spreading as possible. I hope that this helps at least a little bit. Anybody with questions and concerns please feel free to ask. I will do what I can to answer them and help people understand a little bit better what is going on.
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Since I have been down and out I decided to check in on my friends and see what was going on with my friends. I was watching a blog that my friend posted and I have been keeping track of them as she has been posting them. But she said something that has totally stuck with me since I heard it. She made the comment that she loves her kids and that she dosnt care how they get here just as long as they are here. I know that it was said for a completley different reason then what I am going through but that one comment made me realize that no matter if we could have kids of our own it dosnt matter as long as we have kidos. I have to agree with that person that it dosnt matter how the kidos come as long as we have them to take care of and share our love with. You would think that with us having Kelsey and Atheena before her and a few other kidos that I have taken care of that I would have agreed with it long before now. I never truly thought about it in that way because there was always the thought that we would have a kido of our own. Now it makes complete sense. So thank you to that person for that one comment.
I love all my friends and family and am extremly happy that I have each and everyone of you there through all of this. You guys are all truly amazing and are my rock when I feel like I am falling.
Love you all
Day Three
Not sure how to feel about this all now. I am heading to Denver to see the family this weekend as long as the DMV will allow me to get tags put on my truck. So keeping my fingers crossed that they will.
Not much to say today. Kind of confused and not sure what to do. Not sure how to feel and not sure what I can do to make things better. Or how to make things work to get to where I need to be. Trying to trust that everything will happen the way that it needs to but letting go and just trusting is the hardest thing that I need to do right now......
Love you all
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Day Two
Looking at going home for the weekend possibly a whole week depending on money and stuff like that. All I have to do is get the tags on my truck and get new tires on it, and then Kelsey and I can be off and running. Just hoping that my check is enough to take care of it.
Thoughts on what is going on..... still not really sure how to feel or what to do with it all. Just taking it one day at a time and pull through it. I want to see my family and friends and relax and chill out for a couple of days.
I love everybody lots!