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Sunday, May 29, 2011


 Just to get everyone caught up again, they started a new treatment on me on tuesday of last week. So far everything is working they way they want it, which means there is a good chance that i wont have to go through surgery. Very excited about this. Still havent figured out how to pay the doctor bills yet, but we are working on it. we only need about 2000 more to cover the first set of apointments, that will leave us with 12000 left to pay all together. I have applied for grants and gone through different companies and have recieved some help there. Now its on us to take care of the remaining amount.

Because of the doc bills we are holding off on building our house, which is a bummer, but what can you do right. We might have to move out of our apartment and into a different one or who knows where at this point because we are having problems covering the cost of rent and utilities and food for two different houses right now. the amount of money thats going out is about  1500 more a month then whats coming in. we have gotten rid of everything that we can. we dont have cable or internet, the only that we do have is our cell phones and thats only because I have to have the internet for school and so does Kelsey. At this point Idk what else to do to get tings paid for so that we can survive and so that I can finish up my treatments.

Chris is still working in ND, we don't have a choice there because they haven't and probably wont transfer him down here. We are thinking he will probably have to find a new job this next year so that he can be closer to home instead of 26 hours away. But we will just have to wait and see.

I am still looking for a job. My interview went great, now its just waiting to get the call back from the company. Hoping that will be soon. I don't know what else to do. I have over 100 aplications out and continue to put more out everyday. So hopefully something will come through soon.

Kelsey is going to school and is also looking for jobs right now.

I hope this finds everyone well and Happy

Sunday, May 15, 2011


So I found out over the last couple of days that our insurance is not covering the whole cost of my treatments. Not something I was expecting. We were able to get the dog situation taken care of in a way. We got rid of Bella, Kelsey's dog and Sasha is staying with me in Texas. Unfortunately Confederate is not able to stay here so he has to travel back and forth with Chris. That will work for a little while but we are going to have to figure something out here soon.

   I am trying to find a job to cover the costs that Chris's paycheck does not cover. Which right now is $6000 for treatments and that is not including the monthly bills that we are trying to cover. Its crazy, you think that you are getting ahead and then you look at your bills and realize that you are actually behind. Ugh....

On a happier note things are on track with the doctors and the treatments. I should know the first part of June when surgery is going to be. I will keep everyone updated.

Love you all