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Tuesday, July 10, 2012

July 2012

This month is an exciting month. Chris and I celebrated 6 years of marriage on the 1st. It is amazing to look back on everything that we have been through and see that we are still standing next to each other walking this journey together, one step at a time.

Things are going wonderful for us. We had Britney staying with us for a couple of weeks while she was getting settled into a new state and a fresh out look on life. It was a blast having her here and working on building our relationship back up to what it used to be.

We found a couple of weeks ago that we are probably going to be moving to Midland Texas. It is a better position for Chris with work. I am excited about this because it means that he will be home more as well as we will be closer to Colorado by about 8 and a half to 9 hours. This makes me very excited! I havent seen my family now in 6 almost 7 months and needless to say I am home sick. I am ready to go visit everyone. Cant say as Colorado feels like "home" any more because my home is wherever Chris is. I really dont miss the state of Colorado I just miss the people that are there. There are days that I wish I could gather up the loved ones I have up there and just bring you all down here :). Yep I would say I am missing my family and friends :). I cant wait to see my dad and mom and my little brother Zach. I miss them the most! Talking on the phone is just not the same.

 Other then having a few days the last couple of weeks were I really havent felt well, things have been good. I have been busy busy busy with work, and Chris was able to relax at home for the last week and half. Which is what he needed after all the crazy stuff that happened before that. He leaves in about 3 hours to go out of town again. But at least this time its only for a few days and then he will back and we will be headed to Midland to check the area out and try to find a place to live. 

I hope that everyone is doing well! Miss you all and love you lots!

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

May 2012

Sorry I have not written in a long time. So many things have changed for us. So I will do my best to get everyone updated on what is going on in our lives.

 We moved around the 10th of May. We love our new place and have made it feel like home. We moved into a one bedroom with a den apartment. It is perfect for what Chris and I need right now. We are both tired of living in an apartment but we will deal with it until we are able to move into a house. Our hopes for this is that we are able to get things paid off this year and part of next year and then next summer be able to buy a house. We will be staying in Texas but we are not sure if we are going to stay in the area that we are in. At this time it all depends on what happens with On Site Safety.

 Chris is still working for On Site. There have been some problems with in the company so I am not sure what is going to happen with his position over the next year. We will take it one day at a time and go from there. We are still trying to get his teeth fixed but the insurance is fighting with us over what they will pay for. Hoping to have that taken care of with in the next couple of months. Other then that he is doing great. Working hard and trying to get things done here at home.

As for me I am working from home for Insulite labs. I love the company that I work for as well as the work that I do for them. I supervise three other ladies, all of us suffer from PCOS. We are out in the community as well as the internet supporting other women who are dealing with the same issues that we are. We research information and try to get it out there as much as possible. Its an amazing feeling be able to help others the way that we are. I am looking at going back to school. I have not decided where or exactly what field at this point. I have two options and I have to decide what is going to be best for Chris and I. I lost my health insurance so for right now I am not seeing any doctors for my issues but I am hoping that in the next month or so I can get insurance again and get back into see a doctor. I am feeling fine right now and nothing seems to be wrong except for a migraine headache every now and then. But that is something that I have dealt with my entire life. Other then that things are good and there is nothing new.

 Britney chris's cousin has been staying with us for the weekend and so far this week. She has been going to job interviews and working hard to find a job so that her husband and son can join her here in Texas. So far she loves the area and cant wait for her and her family to be able to start their new life. Very exciting things going on.

I hope that things are going well for all of you!

Lots of love

Sunday, May 6, 2012


Wow it's crazy to think we have been in Texas for a year now. The time flys by. We love it down here and are happy that we were able to be here.

On Friday we are moving into our new place! Supper excited about that. Its newer then the place that we are in now and a lot nicer. It's a gated community but it's set up differently then the ones we are in now so I am hoping we wont have as many problems. I am very excited and can't wait even though the actual moving part is no fun.

Chris is doing well. Work has been really really slow for him lately so that has been a concern for us. I am working for Insulitelabs now and so far it's enjoyable. It allows me to work from home as well as go back to school. For this I am very thankful.

Other then that not much has happened in our lives. Just the same ol same ol.

Friday, March 2, 2012


March 1st 2012 at 1030am Sasha girl passed from our world to cross over the rainbow bridge. I know that she, Griz and K.C. will be waiting for us when its our time to enter heaven. She was a faithful friend, a playful pet, a tear catcher, and one of the best friends I have ever had. No matter what you did or said to her she was always there with love and kisses. You could be having your worst day ever and she would come in and brighten it up. I will forever carry her in my heart and love her more then I could ever explain. I Love you Sasha!!!We will miss you very very much!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Feb and love is in the air

Things have been such an up and down battle the last three weeks. Between the transmission going out in my truck, the animals driving me crazy and Chris being gone all the time. Stressful!! I have really felt like I was going to snap. Want/needed a break from everyday life. To my surprise my Knight and Shinning Armor (that would be Chris) rides in on his Horse and saves the day. He has planned a weekend away. Just the two of us :) I am so excited to be able to get out of town, with no worries, no stress and one on one time with my husband for valentines day. Its so exciting to be able to go and doing things together that we have not been able to do since we got married. We have come so far and accomplished so much over the last couple of years, months and days. I fall in love with him more and more each day. Knowing that he is supporting me in everything that I do makes it so much better. No how many times I screw up hes right there picking me up and holding my hand.

Chris has planned a full day at the spa for me on Saturday :) I cant wait to relax and be pampered :). This is something that he has talked about doing for years and we have not been able to afford it. He is excited to be able to this for me and cant stop grinning from ear to ear when we talk about this weekend. In the six years that we have been together we haven't had the chance to spend time together like this since our honeymoon in Steam boat springs. I am sooo excited I feel like I am going to explode.

 This weekend has brought up thoughts and talks about our anniversary and what we want to do for it. I have been loving the fact that we are talking about our future and working towards it one step at a time. Its such an amazing thing to combine two lives into one and know that its going to last for as long as it can. To me its like the first couple of years where our "dating" years, even though we were married. It was like we knew what we wanted but we weren't ready to take the steps forward to get to where we wanted to go. The last couple of years we have been working forward to the dreams that we have. Doing what it takes to make those dreams come true, working with each other instead of against each other.

Looking back on where we were 6 years ago almost seven years ago compared to where we are today blows me away. We have worked so hard to get to where we are. We have gone through so much and have conquered so much to get to where we are today. We have grown up, grown apart, grown back together and have finally found where we fit together. Its like falling in love all over again. When you find that spot with the person that you love it changes the dynamic of your lives together and everything that is going on in it.

I want to say thank you to Tiffany Deats! She is taking care of our animals and our house for us while we are enjoying ourselves this weekend! Thank you for being a great friend and helping us out this way!!!

With that being said Brittney Deats has been an amazing friend as well. Thank you sweetie for supporting me and being there for me, even when I am embarrassed of myself and dont want to admit that I have failed at something. You girls keep me going and I love both of you very much! I am so thankful to have such great friends and cant wait to build new relationships and make ours stronger!

I hope that everyone has a great weekend and a fantastic valentines day!!!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

End of Jan

Well Chris is off again. I really hate the times when hes only home for one maybe two days and then he is gone again. You feel rushed to get everything done and to spend time together. Its easier to deal with when hes here for a full week.
 My settlement came in which is a life saver. Now we can get bills paid off and get that stress off of us. I am excited about that :) It will be nice to not worry about which bill needs to be paid and where the money is going to come from. I am excited about owning my truck out right and not having that payment any more :) Now its just to saving the money to buy a house and then we will be set to go. We have not decided yet which area we are going to buy in but we are looking to see what will be right for us.

  For us this year is all about changes and making ourselves better and healthier people. It has started out so positive and seems to be staying that way. Hopefully 6 months from now I can say the same thing lol. 

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

The joys of being an adult

You wake up one morning and realize that you are no longer a kid. The things that you used to do are things that you now look back at and think "what in the world was I thinking." During my life I have met a lot of people. Every one of those people from the friends I grew up with to the family that has been added through out the years has been an important part in making me who I am today. Each person has played an important role in helping me to be the best that I can be. When you get close to people you go through the ups and the downs with them.  You become the ear to listen, the shoulder to cry on. I know that a lot of my friends and family have been there for me through my hard times as well. I think the most heart braking times is when the people that we care about hit rock bottom. You want to jump in and make everything better. You want to wrap them in your arms and protect them from everything that is going on in their lives. It is so hard to step back and let them work through their problems on their own. To not give advice and to suggest things would be better if they would only do this or that. Then there are times that you get the phone call or the text message that makes your heart brake and you have no idea how to help. You feel helpless and just want to make it all better. Over the past couple of weeks I have been handed a couple of these situations. There is much confusion, heartbreak, and many tears that have been shed. People have told me many of times to let go of my worries and allow God to take them and fix them in his way. I have been trying so hard to just let it go and allow him to work his ways. Its so hard to let things go.

  A soldier who is fighting for our freedom and his family were given a tough road to travel this week and in the end God came through and his baby girl was able to go home from the hospital today after being diagnosed with have a stroke at 4 days old. If it was not for the faith of the family, friends and people who dont even know them things may not have turned out so well. Thank you Travis for everything that you do for our country, Thank you Kasi for being the fantastic wife, mother and friend that you are! Baby Abbigayle my prayers are with you little one as you continue your life and become an amazing woman that I know your mama and dad will help you to be.

There have been tough times within our family as well. Family members have walked away and turned their backs on each other. There have been many of hearts broken and tears shed. I dont understand why people think that if they turn their backs and lie and walk away that all the problems go away. I wish that people would understand that more hearts are broken by words left unsaid then by the lies that are told. I have had fights with family members and am so thankful that those have been resolved and now things are going well. I have gained contact with some whom I have not talked to in years. I could not ask for more. I am so thankful for each person who is in my life, for each of those who have passed through my life and those who are to come.

I ask that those who read this say a prayer for our family. That there will be peace, love reignited and bridges rebuilt. You can do all things through Christ and everything that he brings us to he will bring us through.

On a happier note my dad is going after something that he has wanted for a while now. I am so proud of him and so proud that he is my dad. He is such a positive role model and I love him so very much. Prayers for him and my Step mom and my little brother Zach that he is able to get this position at work and that their lives will be blessed this year with everything that they need.